Oh Baby! Pregnancy Announcement
Have you heard the news? We're expecting!!! My heart is so full right now and I am feeling all of the feels: excited, nervous, scared, and so so happy! Brian, Harley, and I can't wait to meet Baby Clapp this November, right around Thanksgiving too which means he/she will be here for Christmas! As if it wasn't already the best time of year, this Christmas will be extra special for our family. ❤️ I am just starting the second trimester this week and it feels so great to finally share the news with everyone! We found out we were pregnant on March 16th and it's been so hard keeping it a secret! So far I am feeling great, I have been very lucky and did not experience any morning sickness (#bless), and I am really looking forward to sharing with you this new adventure and journey me and my little family are about to embark on! So to celebrate I'm sharing some of our pregnancy reveal pictures with you and stay tuned for another post coming soon announcing the gender of Baby Clapp! What do you think it'll be? A girl or a boy? Let's hear your guess in the comments below!
Mint maternity dress can be found here.
Photography by Kaylene Chambers.