It's A... Boy! Gender Reveal

Oh BOY! I can't believe we are having a sweet baby boy! We got our results earlier this week and even though my gut feeling this whole time has been a boy, it's still a shock when they confirm your results! I won't lie with you all, I was a little bummed, and by bummed I really mean I cried for a solid 2 hours when I found out lmao. But I'm blaming that on the hormones! Because after a good nights sleep and reassuring words from my family, I am so excited to raise a son!

In my moment of panic, I wasn't thinking clearly.... "what could I teach him?" I thought, "how to coordinate curtains with a bedspread?! How to style a tulle skirt? I don't know anything about boy stuff! I'm the girliest girl I know!" Which I know, sounds ridiculous! My best friend Megan (who is also expecting a baby boy!) made sure to tell me how silly I sounded: "you are going to teach him how to be a good man, to have respect for others, especially women. You are going to be a huge influence to how he thinks of women. You are going to raise a kind, and strong man and you'll learn to enjoy the things he enjoys" she said.  And she is so right. I know that this will be a learning experience for me and yeah, boy clothes just aren't as cute as girl clothes, but I am looking forward to being a boy mom, to experience a new kind of love that already feels so strong in my heart. 

Sometimes life goes a little differently than you may have envisioned but I truly believe that everything happens for a reason and my son is going to teach me so much, just as much as I will teach him, if not more! I can't wait to hold him in my arms and give him 1,000 smooches! And the thing I am looking forward to the most? The snuggles from him because everyone says boys truly love their mamas and I can't wait to be his mama. ❤️ 


So lets hear it mamas! Give me all your best advice for raising children in general, or more specifically boys in the comments below. I'd love to hear it all!